The architectural qualities of some iconic buildings have been extensively analyzed as Kisho Kurokawa’s Expo ’70 pavilion and Nakagin Capsule Tower, Kenzo Tange’s Shizuoka Press and Broadcasting Tower and Yamanashi Broadcasting and Press Centre. The main purpose of the analysis was the exploration of the implicit and explicit relations between significant Metabolist theoretical principles and the representation of these principles by the design of these buildings. As we know, Metabolist principles in the field of architecture have been based on analogy of nature. Urban and architectonic structures are interpreted as dynamic phenomena, having the ability to grow as well to shrink down is size, flexible, changeable, in short dynamic and without tectonic finality. However, the detailed exploration of these iconic buildings had led to unexpected conclusions, even slightly to an intellectual disappointment. It became apparent, that the principles of changeability and substitutability are more illusory than real; they only imitate the logic of nature, instead of producing an analogical perspective. None of the buildings have really designed to remain as a convincing example of endless transformation. This insight has resulted not only in a sharp decline of appreciation of Metabolist architecture in general. It rather has led to the fundamental question if natural phenomena could be at all effective theoretical parameters of cultural phenomena.