The Jewish Traces research was exhibited in Amsterdam, in colloboration with VU Amsterdam, as part of the Holocaust Memorial Day. The Holocaust Memorial Day is a brought program of exhibitions and activities to contribute to the knowledge and vigilance for the emerging racial hatred, discrimination and anti-semitism and warn about the enormous consequences of these cruel phenomenons.
The theme of this years Holocaust Memorial day was ‘TO SURVIVE’:
“How to live and survive if you are a victim of violence, oppression and persecution? Are you still waking up at the same time? How do you get your food? How do you go to school or do you still go to school? Can you still play, entertainment or love that guy or that handsome girl? Who do you say hello? Can you still walk down the street? Do you move? “
The opening day of the exhibition was organized with a brought program of lectures and presentations;
– Dr. Gjalt Zondergeld; About two, till now unknown jewish VU-students which died in the 2nd world war.
– Jewish traces research presented by Hüsnü Yegenoglu and Jochem Groenland.
– Dhr. Salo Muller about his own hiding experience.
– Lecture by Dr. Remco Ensel about the today’s situation discrimination.
Click here for more information about the Holocaust Memorial Day and all other activities that where organized.